Excel Function



Pseudosteady state productivity index for horizontal well, [STB/(d.psi)] The Babu Odeh method for a box-shaped , anisotropic reservoir, with a well placed parallel to X(box length)-direction.

Excel Function Syntax:

ProdIndexHorWellBO(sizeX, sizeY, sizeZ, Kx, Ky, Kz, L, Rw, Bl, Ul, S, x1, y0, z0)

Online Calculator:

Parameter Value Description
sizeX Length size of the reservoir drainage box. X-direction, parallel to the well, [ft]
sizeY Width size of the reservoir drainage box. Y-direction, perpendicular to the well, [ft]
sizeZ Reservoir height. Z-direction, [ft]
Kx Horizontal permeability in X-direction, [mD]
Ky Horizontal permeability in Y-direction, [mD]
Kz Vertical permeability, [mD]
L Length of the horizontal part of the well, [ft]
Rw Wellbore radius, [ft]
Bl Liquid formation volume factor, [bbl/STB].
Ul Liquid viscosity, [cP]
S Skin factor, [dimensionless]
x1 X location of the heel of the well. For the centrally placed well is equal to 0.5*(boxLength-wellLength), [ft]
y0 Y location of the heel of the well. For the centrally placed well is equal to 0.5*boxWidth, [ft]
z0 Z location of the heel of the well. For the centrally placed well is equal to 0.5*reservoirHeight, [ft]

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Pseudosteady state productivity index for horizontal well, [STB/(d.psi)] The Babu Odeh method for a box-shaped , anisotropic reservoir, with a well centrally placed parallel to X(box length)-direction.


Pseudosteady state productivity index for vertical well, [STB/(d.psi)]


Time to pseudosteady state for regular shape drainage area, [h]

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